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Frozen Berries

The Work of My Words Your Art

My Professional Poetry Portfolio

Blog: Welcome


You cannot stare at the house long enough to make it age, no, it ages alone, and its windows and their tears cry to themselves, each...

The Car

The tires rolled to a stop with the weight of time and fortune of many years of service, working their way through the rubber and...

Daydreaming Of Places No More

Beneath the sunshine's radiating light, the fickle old front of this homegrown building, All graced with glass windows made of old sand,...

Texas Longhorn

Across the days of dry hot summers, and on lands that are inhospitable to other breeds, they lived on weeds, cactus, and brush far from...

A Small Walk

With just a little walk, you can see him standing; his head turned down, hands in his pockets, A comfortable suit fit him, like leaves...

West, Up Close

Stand here Honey, look out through that window across the room, out the front door, and just take a breath or two. White paint that sunk...

Winds A Sweeping

Time is the great one. It is constantly moving. Daytime. Then night. Day again, then night repeats. Break it down further; the morning,...

Look Forward

Watching the indoors become outdoors, is the day that sets one to go back when time was slower; life was lived each hour of everyday, and...

A Little Walk West

Spending the time walking, Spending it here alone, together, A person can almost glimpse the beginning, Or the ending, as the clouds...

Like Grandma Did

Before the costs of eggs rose up to unearthly prices, (and maybe even after), grandmas' hands performed the same steps, same movements,...

On The Edge

On the edge of the tidal waters, of the sea running in from the Gulf, There are places that will be so remote, And ground that may have...

In The Sun

High upon the hillside, above the Grand Lake o' the Cherokees and the blooming, smattered out pieces of the hill, higher still than the...

Leaning Stones

We still rest up here. Up on this hillside of stone, where those around us are also held as if in bondage, where time is the keeper,...


It moved from the southwest, in rapid gusts and shrieks, rain blistered down, kept the eyes from seeing, but the ears still heard the...

You’ll Listen Next Time

The caws and croaks and creaks and sprinkling in of a myriad of sounds, that surround the crow or crows or crowded black birds or murder...

Breathing The Sun

The morning has broken, the night has moved into the past, and the daytime has brought advancement of time to reality. Where one can see...

Santa Came

Santa came to our house one day, Just a day to two ago, He'd made the trip to see us, before Christmas, the coming day that would take...

Read The Signs

You need to stop and read the signs. You don't have to, but you need too. They are written in as plain of language as "Ned's 3rd Grade"...

Two Daddie’s

Pop and ‘Unc’. Roy Edward and Elvis Franklin. Daddy and Uncle Roy. Toad and Pete. Grandpa, PaPaw, etc... Same two guys, Roy born 1930,...

The Watcher

Staring out and down, it can see the terrain for literally miles and miles, and listen to forever sing her song, so open, so candidly...

Blog: Blog2
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