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  • Writer's pictureralphpeck1

Helllloooo. He Said.

"Morning" he said. "Helllooo" in his deep gravelly voice.

"Back at you." She entoned with her eyes all eschew and the timbre of her voice up a couple of notches.

"Got a liiiiittle water laaast night." The words kind of leapt out of his mouth and she instantly said:

"Yessss Sirrr, Yessss Sirrr." In a croaking vocal. "It's a niceee moooorning."

"The grassssss is turning." His head moving back and forth, his green feet relaxing on the growing weeds and the little pile of mud.

She calmly responded, "Yuuuup".

"Doo you want a fly? A buuug?" He offered in his quickend tone, "Bedeeep."

She looked and stared into the shore, and kindly said "Nooooo." Her head rocked a minute. "Goooodd seeeing you," she got out of her mouth, "I must goooo."

And she kindly hopped off to her next adventure.

Ralph Peck

Photo by Belva Shelton

Stephens County, Oklahoma

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