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  • Writer's pictureralphpeck1

The Watcher

Staring out and down, it can see the terrain for literally miles and miles, and listen to forever sing her song, so open, so candidly among the hearing.

The breeze from the west would combine itself and make a whipping rolling wind, that parted the growth in the field into visual pieces, that could be seen from the top of the tower, staring intently and holding its own, as the branches fell, and crashed the earth, leaving pieces of itself looking back to the heavens.

The wind machine, the water puller, which sits here for decades and decades, it's blades shaking and rattling to be torn free to spin again, from its nights of long past movements, and making the water climb, rise, and sooth this part of earth with a complete drink.

Stare down, wait for the lost rain, watch the traces of movement in the long grass, and rest your weary head for the nourishment that you need.

Ralph Peck

Photo by Ralph Peck

Garber, Oklahoma looking across the plains and finding respite.

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