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  • Writer's pictureralphpeck1

Warren Farm

On west Blue Starr, the western side of the city, this piece of ground looks at the well manicured Claremore golf course and the neighborhood that surrounds the fairways and wonderful greens. Before you get to the Warren Farm, you pass a really pretty neighborhood that has covered the ground well,and on the other side, houses and neighborhoods are clinging to the land.

But close to the middle lies the farm, all sparkling and pretty as a farm can be, with the sign acknowledging the place, prominently placed across from the tee box of hole #2.

Several head of cattle, a hay barn a bit light in the top with bales left from last summers stock, the pasture in front a little muddy with the two days of rain, the ancient but well worked barn showing it’s age.

The barn and the farm began before the golf course, long before the two neighborhoods and formed itself in the pasture that lived at least two miles from town and the Oklahoma Military Academy, which is now Rogers State University.

It’s kept by a retired hand, plenty of cattle, plenty of hay, plenty of barn, all to keep the folks on Blue Starr whole.

Ralph E Peck

Photograph by Ralph Peck

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