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  • Writer's pictureralphpeck1

Wash The Monday

Wash the Monday from my back, and leave me there to soak

In that rapturous bath of Fridays preparation, and Saturdays wonderment.

Your hands and heart can wash away that filthy guile, brought about so

Seemingly easily, by days turned with bent figures, walking upright in

Their presence, so crouched in their intent, so much the feeling of them is almost welcome,

With the smiles and fraught gestures of humility and sunshine, pours through

And graces their face, with light, that can be seen as glowing and righteous,

Only to be revealed in their common ugliness, in their dark way, in themselves.

Wash the dark winds and fretful traces, of that which makes me unclean, and

Feel the utmost traces of your blue sky against my back.

All the things that make me what I am, lost among the senses of those that try

To tear me down, clean your way, and make it built within me.

There is no one, no hand that can wash, no person that can say, or do, or hold

Anything of any matter, more than your hand, your arm, your shoulder,

That essence of you, can keep us together, and wash, wash the Monday,

From my back, and leave me here to soak.

Ralph Peck

Photography by Marla Bolton

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