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  • Writer's pictureralphpeck1

Will & Andy

Will Rogers stands with one hand in his right pocket, his left shoulder down, his knee out a little, and he looks with a touch of genuine thought running through his mind, trying to figure out why he is wrapped up in this statue looking over the town of Claremore.

Andy Hogan is standing there, his arms folded across his chest, he is wearing the feeling that Will brought to his Ropers, that of being loved, that of loving the people who came through the memorial every day, that and knowing who he is, as he looks down over his hometown of Claremore.

Will made the best of conversations, wrapped in tiny pieces of himself and his humor. Will could make the generations laugh with just a few words.

Andy makes people think and laugh, and enjoy the day, the politics (right or wrong), the right that they have to appreciate the old humor of Will and the greatest new humor of Andy.

Will was the entertainer of his day, through writing, personal appearances, and movies.

Andy was a school teacher, a principal, retired from academia, then he again retired from being a docent at the Will Rogers Museum, but has never retired from extolling the virtues and realism brought by Will Rogers.

Ralph E Peck

Photography by Robert Seay

Will Rogers Memorial and Museum

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